I have purchased a book. Lord knows how many books i have purchased from bookstores that sell the latest post-modern garbage aswell as normal books, so i simply feel morally obliged to help you guys out. Catalog wasn't as big as i'd expect but i found something nice. Godspeed!

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Thank you for that, it helps a lot in the lean times.

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I liked the part about the parasites on the street and in government having to be culled the best. I think you're a little unfair on 'the parents.' Then I thought, what generation are we talking about. My parents generation were involved in that life or death struggle with the Axis, like two men fighting over a knife. Whoever wins will rule for hundreds or thousands of years. So when they (mostly the fathers) came back to America, all they wanted was to enjoy the peace that they bought with their blood and tears. And they did.

I think the baby boomer parents dropped the ball. Not all of them (not me), but many. They were the ones who didn't push back (remember 'if it feels good, do it?' And, 'it's your thing; do what you wanna do?' So, I think the mess we are in is largely attributed to boomers--but not all of them, maybe 55%.

But overall, I like what you have to say. To pile on to what many are saying, I believe that this election will be our D Day. Will we be slaughtered on the beaches (metaphorically), rounded up and imprisoned? Maybe shot? Or will 'they?'

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Bob Whitaker didn’t blame the Boomers, but their parents. He called them moral cowards because while they were brave in front of the bullets, they shrink from political and moral challenge. The collapse in 1970s was so transparent that their ideals were phony but they refused to do much and there was a lot of strife between those who wanted to change things and those who cannot give up the ideals taught them by the Lost Generation. Their biggest blind spot was absolute faith in authority. They went through Depression and war trusting the authorities and it turned out well for them. So they figured it will work out for their grandchildren too. They were the King Arthurs, the golden boys who made good but chicken out when It come to the queen and Lancelot. It signaled to the enemy to push harder.

Despite the Fourth Turning thesis, I doubt the the Boomers are the Prophet generation. From birth, they were raised by the Joes to be the Artists. You can see it in the music and movies. Words and images impressed them more than organizing or power. Artists tends to be very individualistic and are satisfied with having their say. They might resent the Man but they never really challenged him. 37 states voted against the rectal marriage but when a judge overturned it, the accepted it with the meekness of a kicked dog. Not once did they even tried to impeach the judges. They have the numbers but they were trained from birth by mass media and school and churches to be the beautiful losers. It was too bad, since the 1990s was their chance to shine but they didn’t.

It will have to be us to be the change.

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I have a hard time getting past this: "[they were] moral cowards because while they were brave in front of the bullets, they shrink from political and moral challenge." I can't go there. I think there are a lot less of 'us' percentage wise, that would be willing to go up against "the power" if they were using guns, than there were with the WWII generation.

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Although by "our parents" I meant mostly the boomers, I think the Greatest Generation has to claim its share of blame for what happened. While it was busy tending to its lawn and keeping up with the Joneses in the 1950s, critical legal victories were being won by its enemies. The "worst evil in history" had happened and it was so sure of itself that it couldn't be bothered defending its way of life. Meanwhile its enemies were busy undermining it. There is indeed a kind of moral cowardice here, a refusal to re-litigate what had been won at so high a cost, perhaps because it was just too painful. Academic Agent did a video called "boomer truth regime" where he touches on this.

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I don’t like the implication of ‘moral cowardice.’ I think you have to put things in context. You know, we have to guard against ‘armchair quarterbacking,’ that sort of thing. The thing about the evil that took over America… is that it did it at a snail’s pace, and that kind of progression often goes unnoticed.

Also, I think you are overlooking one thing: trust in, and love, for one’s country. That likely blinded that generation some. On that note, I went to Vietnam. Was drafted. For 30 years or so I never faulted out policy, our leaders. I believed that we had gone there to save the South Vietnamese from the Commies in the North. My feelings about the whole affair have changed. I think the American war in Vietnam was a mistake. I think it broke the country in two and we’ve never recovered.

Anyway, what I’ve seen since Vietnam is one war after another. I remember arguing with a co-worker, who had avoided the draft during Vietnam, and he was screaming that we ‘had to ‘take out Sadat who had invaded Kuwait. He was convinced that the Iraqis had ‘thrown preemie babies on the floor of the hospitals. And we had a moral obligation to go over there and fight. The whole preemie baby thing was a lie, we were to discover later. Then, or maybe it was prior, we had about two months of TV shows showing us the fly covered faces, the swollen bellies, of dying Somali children. The war lords were hoarding the UN food that was being sent over there. The TV wizards blitzed us with these images of dying babies. So Clinton sent a carrier group over there and we had ‘Blackhawk Down.’ The corpses of American soldiers being dragged through the streets. That turned out to be a disaster. Then it was 911. And we rushed over to Iraq and leveled half of that country. What do we hear about Irag nowadays? Then it was Afghanistan. We had to save the teenage girls in Afghanistan who were not allowed to go to schools. We had to Americanize Afghanistan. We poured billions of dollars into Afghanistan and the money, much of it, made its way back to the U.S. and ended up in the hands of Senators’ sons, House rep’s sons and daughters. We built infrastructure for Afghanistan while neglecting our own.

America and American people are, for the most part, good, compassionate and hard working people. But the people running America are truly evil. They’ve been destroying the country, slowly, like termites for decades.

So, how much of this evil has the current population of America IGNORED?

We will not get out of this mess by beginning a generational war, or a race war, or a class war. We have to rip out the devils who are actually running things.


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I’ll have to look into it. Thanks!

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Audacity! Audacity! Audacity!

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