Modern liberal society is exerting a very strong selection pressure on Whites. It's difficult to say how long this process will take, but inevitably, all Whites who are not tribal in their attitude will have no children, will outbreed, or will be killed by the out group. In the future, all Whites will be White because they wanted to be. Hopefully this will put to rest the nonsense about Whites being inherently individualistic.

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Even if we are inherently individualist (we're not), this is something new, probably it arose in the late Middle Ages and only really took off later. But people talk as though our individualism is a fact for all time. What can be done in a matter of centuries can be undone in a matter of centuries.

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I stopped watching 'The Northman' because I felt the whole production was intentionally ugly and intended to be off-putting. This technique is a kind of 'black magic' where you create unease about the subject of the art (Whites) by transference.

After reading this essay, I might give the film another try.

As for the points made about 'tribalize or die', Whites have to stick together on the basis of blood and we need to look at deviations as 'ethnicity' rather than race. Bug men are White ethnics, at least from an American perspective. In many ways, they're no different than White ethnics of the past - Italians, Irish, Yankee - in that Whites have a choice to see past the outward expressions that are off-putting and seek comity and integration.

The mistake has been thinking that what we can do with fellow Whites can be - should be - done with non-Whites.

The White bugman is still White. He's just forgotten his roots and allowed an invasive species to colonize his White soul. As the pro-White culture gains ground, a certain number of bugmen will rediscover their feeling for their people and return to us.

But we have to not just offer 'honour culture' in order for this to work. However it may appear, 'honour culture' was incredibly destabilizing while at the same time reinforcing cultural stasis. When we look at the effect of honour culture on White America, it was not altogether salutary. In America - like everywhere else - honour culture was most commonly expressed in trial by combat, or 'the duel'.

One of White America's greatest presidents - Andrew Jackson - was almost killed multiple times because of his demand for honor on the field of personal combat. He carried around three lead slugs all his adult life and was quite ill most of his life as a consequence. Had he died in any of these combats, White America would have suffered the loss of a great talent, a great man.

This is my way of saying, respectfully, I don't think 'honour culture' is the right direction for the pro-White movement. It can be a part of it, because Whites prefer honorable people to dishonorable ones. We are, after all, a high trust people and we have no reason to be tolerant of deceit within the tribe.

However, I think that we need to promote a 'talent society' within our ranks. We need to be driven by a strategy of putting into play every ounce of White talent we can access to built a truly pro-White, racially-conscious political economy and culture.

What needs to be asked is whether, in the end, 'honour culture' well-served the Vikings. Did it help them to stop their integration into the Roman dominion under the banner of Saint Peter? I don't think it did. Besides, 'honour culture' was always balanced with 'hospitality culture' for members of the gens. This is the case with Pasthtunwali and it was the case with the Greeks of the Illiad.

As Rolo Slavskiy has put it 'Identity is Morality' and 'White' should form the inside of what counts as the gens for our race. But inside that gens, we should emphasize a culture of White talent, cultivate White talent, deploy White talent to useful, meaningful work. The White racial vanguard needs to shuck off nearly everything of the past, not cling to it. We keep that from the past that is meaningful and which supports the race's movement into the future.

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I've come to the conclusion that racial solidarity is behind us. Soon it will be behind other races too—modernity will deracinate them all. What comes next is ethnic and especially clan solidarity. Whoever cultivates that first, wins, basically. This is the work ahead of us as a movement: build a clan structure where blood is coterminous with religion. We have the blueprint—it's what built civilization the first time. It might prove destabilizing to civilization in its dotage, but this destabilization is a good thing. If things carry on like this, in a few centuries we will be gone.

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I don't see any evidence that Whites don't prefer Whites. Not as neighbors. Not as spouses. White women are the most race-monogamous of all human females. Modernity is simply a new environment in which Whites have to adapt, nothing more. It's not intentionally malevolent. Whites did just fine within the 'modern world' until after WWII. At that time, the institutions that Whites had built were slowly turned on them leading to today.

So, to me, I still see plenty of unconscious pro-White solidarity among Whites. But in order to capitalize on it, we need a political-economic-poetic *gravitational' language that will give Whites - whatever their overt politics - linguistic impetus to seek each other out, creating a physical and moral density which will, in turn, organize the outer limits (however amorphous) of a defensive perimeter around the race.

There is nothing stopping anyone with your opinion from creating the kind of clan structure, at least not in the US. Buy the land, incorporate, become a law unto yourself (for all practical purposes). But that's not going to fix the environment and, I suspect, it will not enhance your clan's chances of survival one bit.

Trying to stop 'modernity' is not how we move past it. Trying to turn back the clock to an earlier premodern age is not how we escape modernity. The only way forward that allows Whites to retain as much of the cultural and technical capital we have built up is to stick together in ways Whites haven't had to do as a race in a long time, maybe never. But I think this new environment is creating the conditions by which the race will evolve towards the kind of racial togetherness that other races already feel.

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