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I’ve already written two articles [1][2] on liberalism’s slow-motion seppuku, and this will probably be the last. Not because there isn’t more to say—this is the story of the next century—but because I’ve seen some of our talking points start leaking out into Conservative Inc. and it’s time to stop telegraphing what will become a major line of praxis for the right going forward. Nothing to see here, folks.
Since engaging with BAP’s GNC concept it has become clear to me that wokeness1 is not one thing but many. It’s also unstable—it threatens either to break apart or for one element to consume the others. At the risk of oversimplifying, wokeness consists of two main elements: the degenerate element, and GNC or the ethnic element. The ethnic element is committed to thrownness and so is anti-liberal, anti-Enlightenment;2 the degenerate element is the culmination of the Enlightenment. The genealogy of wokeness from the Enlightenment was addressed in a previous article but now needs modification.
The LGBTQP+ business relies on the principle that man shorn of context, man as totally decontextualized from his biological, cultural, and social background, is the supreme moral and epistemic authority. He is essentially self-legislating and the author of himself. Only he defines what he truly is and ought to be. This is also precisely the logic of the Enlightenment, the fundamental premise upon which it overthrew tradition.3
Ethnic identitarianism is a straightforward rejection of that logic. It relies upon man as radically embedded, both biologically and historically. What is Enlightenment? Kant answers in a word: freedom. BLM rejects freedom—Rachel Dolezal can cut off her tits if she wants, but she’s not free to dispense with her whiteness.
The system has so far required the alliance of the two elements in order to destroy white culture, but this alliance was never based on anything but pure political exigency—the enemy of my enemy is my friend. But now “whiteness” has well and truly been dethroned and the two are starting to feel like they don’t need each other anymore. Trannies never really liked Muslims and vice versa. We’re seeing a struggle for supremacy between these two elements, and so far, it looks like the degenerates are winning—as we’ve detailed in the past two articles, the ethnics are being sterilized by their proximity to them.
A problem for the ethnic elements of wokeness has emerged from their alliance with its degenerate elements. Put quite simply, anti-degeneracy is married to pro-whiteness, and pro-degeneracy is married to anti-whiteness. The ethnics have made a Faustian bargain in order to dispossess whites of their nations—how can they now oppose the trannification of their own children? Every anti-liberal immuno-response has already been sanitized by liberalism, save one. The only response left is the one that liberalism can’t sanitize—the far right. And the far right is the province of white identitarianism.
Let’s discuss what this means strategically.