“Blackpiller” has been an insult almost as long as there has been a term “blackpill”. Of course, the blackpiller is quick to frame himself as a realist as against a pie in the sky idealism that’s not only detached from reality but actively harmful. Would you prefer to be an “unrealist”? How about anti-life? Or anti-choice? Actually, I like anti-choice. Put me down for that.
This is just to say that these labels don’t really tell us much. But they still are debated. Take for instance this recent Twitter post:
This made the rounds and came in for all sorts of criticism of the “blackpiller” kind. I do understand this criticism. Why would we take this seriously and then shit on Rod Dreher’s Benedict Option? Aren’t they saying the same thing? Basically yes, they are.
I think what people object to more than the actual content of this one-line imperative is the tone. It does sound blackpilled. “Normalize not really giving a shit…” is not a great start. “…about anything outside your immediate vicinity” gives us pause for thought. If we love subsidiarity—and if we’re meaningfully right-wing, we do—then how can we really object to the spirit of what’s being said? What are we, the tone police?
My father once gave me this same advice, and it changed everything.